

新牛津英汉双解大词典  hop  hop1  verb (hopped, hopping)  [no obj., with adverbial of direction](of a person) move by jumping on one foot  (人)单脚跳  he hopped along beside her.  他在她旁边单脚跳着走。  ■(of a bird or other animal) move by jumping with two or all feet at once.  (鸟或别的动物)齐足跳,跳跃  a blackbird was hopping around in the sun. 扒渗槐 一只乌鸫在太阳底下跳着。  ■spring or leap a short distance with one jump.  跳过(或跃过)  he hopped down from the rock.  他从岩石上跳了下来。  ■[with obj.]jump over (something).  跃过,跳过  the cow hopped the fence.  母牛跃过栅栏。  ■(informal)make a quick trip.  (非正式)短期旅行  she hopped over the Atlantic for a bit of shopping.  她飞越大西洋买了一点东西。  ■(hop it)(Brit. informal)go away quickly.  (英,非正式)快速离开  ■make a quick change of position, location, or activity.  (快速改变位置、方位、活动)跳到  over the years he hopped from one department to another.  几年来他从一个部门跳到另一个部门。  ■[with obj.](informal)jump on to (a moving vehicle).  (非正式)跳上(开动的车辆)  ex-soldiers looking for work hopped freights heading west.  在寻找工作的退伍军人跳上了西行的运货列车。  ■[usu. as noun, in combination -hopping](of an aircraft or ferry) pass quickly from one place to another.  (飞机、渡船)速递,快运  two-week island-hopping packages.  两星期的岛屿速递包裹。  noun  a hopping movement  跳跃,单脚跳  ■a short journey or distance.  短途旅行;短距离  a short hop by cab from Soho.  从索霍乘出租车的短途旅行。  an informal dance  (一种非正喊芹式舞蹈)霍普舞  习惯用语  hop, skip (或 step), and jump  old-fashioned term for triple jump.  (旧)。 同 triple jump.  (informal)a short distance  (非正式)短距离  it's just a hop, skip, and jump from my home town.  这离我家乡很近。  hop the twig (或 stick)  (Brit. informal)depart suddenly or die  (英,非正式)突然离开春友(或死亡)  on the hop  unprepared  无准备的,尚未准备好的  he was caught on the hop.  他毫无准备就被抓住了。  bustling about; busy  忙乱的;忙碌的  we were always kept on the hop.  我们一直很忙。  语源  Old English hoppian, of Germanic origin; related to German dialect hopfen and German hopsen.  继承用法  hop in (或 out)  (informal)get into (or out of) a car  (非正式)跳入(或出)汽车  hop in then and we'll be off.  那么上车吧我们就离开。  基本词义  hop  hop2  noun  a twining climbing plant native to north temperate regions. Hops are cultivated for the cone-like flowers borne by the female plant, which are used in brewing beer  蛇麻草,忽布,啤酒花  Humulus lupulus, family Cannabaceae (or Cannabidaceae).  拉丁名Humulus lupulus,大麻科  ■(hops)the dried cone-like flowers of this plant, used in brewing to give a bitter flavour and as a mild sterilant.  忽布干花,啤酒花  ■(hops)(Austral./NZ informal)beer.  (澳/新西兰,非正式)啤酒  ■[mass noun](US informal, dated)a narcotic drug, especially opium.  (美,非正式,旧)毒品(尤指鸦片)  verb (hopped, hopping)  [with obj.]flavour with hops  用啤酒花调味  a strong dark beer, heavily hopped.  一种烈黑啤,很重的啤酒花味。  (be hopped up)(informal)be stimulated or intoxicated by or as if by a narcotic drug  (非正式)(因为或似乎因为麻醉剂)使兴奋,刺激  派生  hoppy  adjectivehoppier, hoppiest  语源  late Middle English hoppe (in the sense 'ripened hop cones for flavouring malt liquor'), from Middle Low German or Middle Dutch.  当前词典试用还剩 8 天,请在线购买激活后再使用。  简明英汉词典  hop  D.J.[hɔp]  K.K.[hɑp]  vi.  单足蹦跳, 跳跃  The children had a competition to see who could hop the fastest.  孩子们举行比赛, 看谁单足跳跃最快。  跳上[下]  vt.  跃过, 跳过  The ditch was so broad that no animal can hop it.  没有动物能跃过这么宽的一条沟。  He hopped the hedge.  他跳过篱笆。  搭乘  During the depression, I used to hop freights at least once a month.  大萧条时期, 我一月至少偷偷搭乘一次货运列车。  n.  蹦跳, 跳跃  The sparrow crossed the lawn in a series of hops.  那麻雀一蹦一跳地穿过草坪。  跳舞  Are you coming to the hop tonight?  今晚你来跳舞吗?  一次飞行的距离  It's a short hop from London to Paris.  从伦敦到巴黎是短程飞行。  当前词典试用还剩 8 天,请在线购买激活后再使用。  现代英汉综合大辞典  HOP  =High Oxygen Pressure 高氧压;  Hostile Observation Post军对敌观察哨  当前词典试用还剩 8 天,请在线购买激活后再使用。  新牛津美语大词典  hop  hop1  [häp]  verb (hopped, hopping)  (intransitive)  (of a person) move by jumping on one foot.  ■(of a bird or other animal) move by jumping with two or all feet at once:  a blackbird was hopping around in the sun.  ■spring or leap a short distance with one jump:  he hopped down from the rock.  ■(transitive) jump over (something):  the cow hopped the fence.  ■(informal )make a quick trip:  let's hop over to the bar.  ■make a quick change of position, location, or activity:  over the years he hopped from one department to another.  ■(in combination) visit a succession of things or places:  regulars liked to table-hop.  ■(transitive) (informal )board (a bus, airplane, or other mode of transportation):  she hopped a train in Winnipeg.  ■(transitive) (informal )jump onto (a moving vehicle):  ex-soldiers looking for work hopped freight trains heading west.  ■(usu. as noun in combination) (-hopping) (of an aircraft or ferry) pass quickly from one place to another:  two-week island-hopping packages.  ■(hop it) (Brit. informal )go away quickly.  noun  a hopping movement.  ■a short journey or distance:  a short hop by cab from Soho.  an informal dance.  常用词组  hop, skip, and (a) jump  old-fashioned term for triple jump.  (informal )a short distance:  it's just a hop, skip, and a jump from my hometown.  hop the twig (or stick)  (Brit. informal )depart suddenly or die.  hop to it  begin a task quickly; get busy:  I shall have the experience of snapping my fingers and having people hop to it.  on the hop  unprepared:  he was caught on the hop.  bustling around; busy:  we were always kept on the hop.  继承用法  hop in (or out)  (informal )get into (or out of) a car:  hop in then and we'll be off.  语源  – ORIGIN Old English hoppian, of Germanic origin; related to German dialect hopfen and German hopsen.  基本词义  hop  hop2  noun  a twining climbing plant native to north temperate regions, cultivated for the conelike flowers borne by the female plant, which are used in brewing beer.  • Humulus lupulus, family Cannabaceae (or Cannabidaceae).  ■(hops) the dried conelike flowers of this plant, used in brewing to give a bitter flavor and as a mild sterilant.  verb (hopped, hopping)  (transitive) flavor with hops:  a strong dark beer, heavily hopped.  (be hopped up) (informal )be stimulated or intoxicated by or as if by a psychoactive drug.  派生  hoppy  adjective  语源  – ORIGIN late Middle English hoppe (in the sense '‘ripened hop cones for flavoring malt liquor’'), from Middle Low German or Middle Dutch.  当前词典试用还剩 8 天,请在线购买激活后再使用。  牛津英语习语词典  hop  'hop it (old-fashioned,BrE,informal)  usually used in orders to tell sb to go away (通常用于命令)磙开,走开:  Go on, hop it!  快点走开!  catch sb on the hop 另见catch  hop to it=jump to it 另见jump  当前词典试用还剩 8 天,请在线购买激活后再使用。  牛津英语同义词词典  hop  [hɒp]  (verb 动词)  跳  SYNONYM 同义词:bound, caper,dance, jump, leap, limp, prance, skip, spring.  当前词典试用还剩 8 天,请在线购买激活后再使用。  英汉计算机词汇  hop  (电波)反射,中继段;跳跃;网路程段;重复接收;转发[寄]  当前词典试用还剩 8 天,请在线购买激活后再使用。  英汉双解计算机词典  hop  跃距  The logical distance between two nodes. One hop is the distance from one node to an adjacent node.  两个节点间的逻辑距离,即一个跃距为从一个节点到邻近一个节点的距离。  当前词典试用还剩 8 天,请在线购买激活后再使用。  爱词霸网络百科  hop  n. 单脚跳, 跳跃, 舞会, 飞行  vi. 单脚跳, 跳跃  vt. 跃过, 跳上, 加蛇麻子于, 服麻醉药  计 跳跃式传输  化 酒花; 啤酒花; 蛇麻花; 忽布  医 高氧压  He got hurt in the left leg and had to hop along.  他左脚受了伤 ,只得单脚跳着走。

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